The server failed to start. Error : Could not find or load main class org.apache.felix.main.Main

Hi all,   We are having trouble starting up our app running on an on premise server. We took the site down to deploy a new package and ever since when we try to start the app we get the following error message : "The server failed to start. Error : Could not find or load main class org.apache.felix.main.Main" there is no other error message/stack trace and as such we are having trouble finding a solution. So far we have tried : 1) upgrading the service console to 4.5 2) creating a new package 3) manually stopping and starting the windows service for our app 4)running a package from an earlier version (Note this works however we recently converted the project to use 6.10.5 and we would have to step back to 6.10.3 but as a result we would loose a lot of work)    
1 answers

@chris de Gelder, Thanks your comment helped me solve this! turns out the server distribution of 6.10.5 was missing a file, i overwrote the java source for 6.10.5 server distribution, using the files from another one of our working environments and the started the service for the app. worked straight away, thanks all!
