How to create a Document template and show it in the browser or download it??

Hi all,   I am sorry I am a little bit new for Mendix. Can any one please tell me or show me way to create a Document template and show it in the browser? I have created a template, and also attached the entity. I need to show a report of Expenses. With Date and amount. But I cant seem to get it done.   Can any one please tell me a "How To"   Regards Dylan
1 answers


Here is a simple microflow that generates a pdf document using a document template:

I have also created a modelshare of this microflow here.

The document template looks like this:

Note that this is only a portion of the document template.  In this template, some of the entities are passed in via the microflow Generate Document action and some have a microflow source to retrieve the necessary information.

Hope that helps,


