Custom Settings Page to set Visibility on Data grids and Template Grids

Hi   In my project my client needs a Settings page that allows him to set visibility On and OFF of certain Data grids and Template Grids. So I created a seperate Entity named settings and created an Enumeration Show/Hide. Hoping some how I will be able to get that enumeration to show and hide a Template Grid in a Home Page. But I am stuck here. Can any one please guide me in how to get the enumeration value of the Settings enity to set the visibility of a datagrid or a Template grid? ** The Template grid and Data grid is Sourced by entiy. Not via Microflow. ** The Template grid is in a Homepage. **The data grid is in a another page.   Please Help Dilan      
2 answers


Please see screenshots below.




Hi Dilan,


On the pages where you want to show/hide some datagrids and/or templategrids, you have to insert a dataview where you retrieve the settings, then all the datagrids and templategrids should be moved inside the dataview and based and then you can set the visibility based on enumerations. 


Hope that helps.


Good luck.
