How are hybrid phone/tablet profiles different from phone/tablet profiles?

Hello, I am looking for some clarification on how the hybrid phone and hybrid tablet profiles work and how they are different from the phone and tablet profiles.  We are currently using 6.10.5 and in the 6.10.4 release notes, it states that it is now possible to create a hybrid phone app and another (web) phone app in the same project.  How exactly do you go about doing this?  I assumed that under  $currentDeviceType, you would have two new values, hybrid phone and hybrid tablet, that you could use to direct users to pages if they were using the hybrid mobile app but I do not see these two new values.  I only have the phone, tablet, desktop, and empty values.  Right how the hybrid phone profile is the same as the phone profile and the hybrid tablet profile is the same as the tablet profile.  If a user logged into  the app using the mobile browser on their phone, they would see the same pages as they would see in the mobile app, I really would like to be able to create a hybrid phone app and a web app in the same project. 
1 answers

Hi Monique,

  Good question.  The introduction of the 'hybrid mobile app' profile is meant to define the user experience when building a hybrid app, which is something that you download from the google or apple app store.  This is different than the 'phone' profile, which is what a user sees when accessing you app through the web at <yourapp>  If a user logs into the app using a mobile browser, they would get the experience defined in the 'phone' navigation layout. 

  To build a different hybrid experience into your project, you can define a separate experience using the hybrid phone navigation layout.  You are correct that tiere is not a 'hybridMobile' value under the $currentDeviceType enumeration, so you would need a separate page/microflow combo to drive functionality within the hybrid app. 

  Here is more information about the hybrid app development cycle if you are interested:

  I'd start here


