Cannot resolve conflict because of editing the CSS by two different developers

I can't resolve the conflict because me and a fellow developer have both made changes on the CSS file on our computer, before trying to commit it to the Team Server. 
2 answers

Hi Ben,


Unfortunately there is no way to resolve this from the modeler.

You need to download Tortoise SVN and then resolve the conflict manually . Open the css file in a notepad and then go over the changes with your collegue.


After you are done with changes to the css file you need to signal to SVN that the conflict is now resolved.

When you right click on the conflicted file in explorer you should see the TortoiseSVN submenu. In the context menu you should see a mark as resolved button that you need to click.

Image result for tortoise svn mark as resolved


Finally don't forget to commit after you have resolved the conflict, so that no other developer run in the same issue.

Hope this helps,



Thanks it works. 
