Button Select all only when datasource is Database

 I have a datagrid that has a Microflow as datasource. On the datagrid I have a button that starts a microflow which will process the data of the rows that I select in the datagrid. That works fine. Now I add a 'Select All' button to the datagrid. I define the button to select ALL rows (not a page). Now when I first select all rows by this button, and then use my button to start the microflow, it only processes the rows that are on the page that is visible. It does NOT process ALL the rows that have been selected according to the Select-All button. When debugging, I can see in the Variables pane that the list with data that is being displayed on the datagrid suddenly decreases to the number of rows that is visible.   When I change the datasource of the datagrid to 'Database' instead of 'Microflow', it seems to work correct. So it appears that a 'Select all' button only works correct on a datagrid with datasource "Database', and not with datasource 'Microflow'. I could not found any datasource restrictions in the Reference Guide. ( I use Mendix modeler version 6.10.3) Does anyone know this is normal behaviour, or am I doing something wrong?   Thanks for replying.
2 answers

This is normal behavior. You will need a customized "select all" which uses a microflow (probably the same). I am wondering what do you want to achieve with this select all button? You already have the selection.


Select multi selection option in your data grid properties and select list in the parameter options for the

microflow you used then you will get list of objects you are selected in the microflow.
