Java compilation errors after installing the UnitTesting module.

  Hello, Using the modeler, and after creating a blank atlas-ui app, then installed "Community Commons Function Library", then "Unit Testing" module, I am getting the following Java compilation errors: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- compile:     [javac] Compiling 19 source files to C:\test\deployment\run\bin     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: package objecthandling does not exist     [javac] import objecthandling.XPath;     [javac]                      ^     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: package objecthandling does not exist     [javac] import objecthandling.XPath;     [javac]                      ^     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]             for(TestSuite suite : XPath.create(context, TestSuite.class).all()) {     [javac]                                   ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class RemoteApiServlet.TestSuiteRunner     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]             for(UnitTest test : XPath.create(context, UnitTest.class)     [javac]                                 ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class RemoteApiServlet.TestSuiteRunner     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         for(UnitTest test : XPath.create(context, UnitTest.class).eq(UnitTest.MemberNames.UnitTest_TestSuite, testSuite).all()) {     [javac]                             ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class TestManager     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]             res = XPath.create(context, UnitTest.class)     [javac]                   ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class TestManager     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]             TestSuite testSuite = XPath.create(context, TestSuite.class).findOrCreate(TestSuite.MemberNames.Module, module);     [javac]                                   ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class TestManager     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         XPath.create(context, TestSuite.class).not().hasReference(UnitTest.MemberNames.UnitTest_TestSuite, UnitTest.entityName).close().deleteAll();     [javac]         ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class TestManager     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]             for(UnitTest test : XPath.create(context, UnitTest.class)     [javac]                                 ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class TestManager     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]             for(UnitTest test : XPath.create(context, UnitTest.class)     [javac]                                 ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class TestManager     [javac] C:\test\javasource\unittesting\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]             testSuite.setTestCount(XPath.create(context, UnitTest.class).eq(UnitTest.MemberNames.UnitTest_TestSuite, testSuite).count());     [javac]                                    ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable XPath     [javac]   location: class TestManager     [javac] 11 errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: I am using the Modeler version 7.5.1  
1 answers

The unit testing module says it requires the object handling module as well as certain .jar files ( I assume it comes with them)



  • 'ObjectHandling' module
  • junit-4.11.jar
  • org.apache.commons.lang3.jar
  • org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.4.1.jar
  • org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore_4.4.1.jar


  • Import the module in your project (from the Mendix AppStore or by downloading and exporting the module from this project)
  • Download the latest 'ObjectHandling' module in your project
  • Map the module role 'TestRunner' to the applicable user roles in your application
  • Add the 'UnitTestOverview' microflow to your navigation structure or include the 'UnitTestOverview' snippet to a custom page.
  • [Optional for including JUnit tests] Set the UnitTesting.FindJUnitTests constant to true. (Please take Project settings regarding Cloud Security and Security Constraits in the Mendix Cloud into consideration)
  • [Optional for remote unit test run API] Add the 'Startup' flow to your models startup sequence
  • [Optional for remote unit test run API] Set the constants UnitTesting.RemoteApiEnabled to true and provide a password to UnitTesting.RemoteApiPassword
  • [Optional for remote unit test run API] When hosting in a cloud node or on premise; open a request handler on the unittests/ path