Best practices for documenting the domain model

While ideally entities and attributes are named so as to be self-documenting, there are times that it is desirable to add some additional information.  While the documentation property is available for both entities and attributes, accessing that documentation (even with documentation panel open) requires a fair bit of clicking.  As I embark on using Mendix I wonder in practice what works best.  Does it turn out that documentation property suffices and that you get in the habit of consulting it as needed?  Do people use annotations or separate documents for this purpose?
2 answers

An interesting idea.

I used documentation for entities and attributes where the naming of each element doesn't completely describe an element.  I also use this documentation for associations.  However, it would be good to have a way to view all of that documentation at once - maybe in this window:

Or possibly all documentation for the whole domain model of a module.   Maybe you can suggest this in the ideas tab of the forum - I would vote for it!


Hi George,

Best practice in my opinion is to always use the 'Documentation' area in an entity (and in a attribute) to give a short explanation of the necessity, use and introduction of the entity. For the person who creates it, this may often not seem necessary ("it's self-explanatory right?"), but for people new to a project it is very helpful. Plus, it's a small effort.
