Data Grid does not update calculated fields

Hello,   In my scenario there is an entity "Row" displayed in a Data Grid, one field "field_a" of the "Row entity" is editable inside the data grid. Another field is "field_b" which is a calculated field with the microflow return the value "2 * field_a". If there is only one row the scenario works fine and if the user inputs 3 in "field_a", "field_b" becomes 6 on display. If the user clicks on anywhere else on the screen after changing the value of "field_a", everything works fine too. Yet, if there are two rows, and after the user presses Enter after changing the value of "field_a" of first row, cursor moves to the editable value of the second row, but the calculated value of "field_b" is not updated. I think this is a bug.
2 answers

Hi Evrim,

If it works like you're describing then I agree with you, that's inconsistent.

An onChange microflow that updates the record should probably do the trick?


Hi Wieke,

Do you suggest to use onChange of dataGrid or onChange of domain entity. Where would I find onChange? Would you describe?
