MxObject_Overview page not responding (showing error message).!

I have downloaded Mx Model Reflection ,E-mail module with templates and Encryption modules from App Store In security I have chosen prototype/demo and given Administrator name as mendix with my password I have given all rights to the Administrator in the security for all the 3 modules I downloaded giving Administrator all the access I created a page in MyFirstModule and added a button MxOverview in it and onclick of this button, it should open a page MxObjects_Overview from Mx Model Reflection but when I run the app and click on this button an error pops up saying that : "Executing action failed for security reasons: MxModelReflection.DSO_InheritsFromContainer" and the contents of the page are missing but I have already checked security for Mx Model Reflection and have given the access to Administrator In Console also these the warning when I click that button: 1)"User 'Mendix' attempted to execute the microflow with action name 'MxModelReflection.DSL_Modules', but does not have the required permissions" 2)"User 'Mendix' attempted to execute the microflow with action name 'MxModelReflection.DSO_InheritsFromContainer', but does not have the required permissions" 3)"User 'Mendix' attempted to execute the microflow with action name 'MxModelReflection.DSO_InheritsFromContainer', but does not have the required permissions" In all these microflows I have given the administrator the rights (even by going to their properties and setting allowed user to be Administrator) What am I doing wrong?? And what should I do so that my MxObjects_Overview page opens and shows it's contents(All the modules in my app).
1 answers

Hi JItesh,

As a basic check, there are 3 things you will want to look into:

  • Are you using a Demo User with administrator rights (project security -> Demo users) or the Administrator account (Project security -> Administrator? In both cases, take note of the selected user role. It is important for the next steps that you are using the same user role consistently
  • Next, head to project security -> User roles. Here you can select which User roles (application wide) are assigned to which module roles. Double click the user role that was selected in step 1 and click "edit" on module roles. Make sure that all the right module roles are selected. (It is possible to have a User role Administrator and and Module role administrator but that does not automatically assign a User role to a Module role. This connection has to be made manually)
  • It seems like you already checked the last step, but here you will want to make sure that the Module role you selected in User roles matches the role assigned to the pages/Microflows.


Completing the steps above should help with this issue. Let me know if you run into any problems along the way.
