Images has no content

Hi, I have a wizard with 4 mobile screens where I add an Photo object (inherited from system.image) in each screen to a Car object (one-to-many relationship). I want an overview of the 4 photo's in a template grid on the 5th screen but I only see the photo I added in the 4th screen. I did a check and there is a list of 4 photo's related to the Car but only the last one has content (the actual picture). I use the standard Mendix image uploader and I do not commit along the way.  Does anyone know why my photo's are not showing op?  Thanks! 
3 answers

Sounds like you are maybe filling the same image object in all 4 screens? Maybe add a sequence number to the photo's, to make sure you are using 4 different image objects? If you create 4 image objects at the start, they will be created, but contain empty values. So it's normal that your list would say 4 objects.


The last image is from cache probably as will the photo objects be if you did not commit them.

Try committing the photo objects to make sure the image is uploaded and stored on disk.


Hi Erik,

Do you do the retrieve for the template grid via DB or association?

Did you check your console (Mendix and browser) for any errors?

Could access rules be preventing the images from being shown?

