Web Modeler Issue

I am just starting my journey with Mendix and I am trying out the system. I do seem to have an issue and would like some help. I don’t know whether it’s the basic (Community) licence that I am on but I am unable to use the web modeler or that I have been trying to use it in an iPad using iOS 11? I have tried everything to try and get it working. I have followed the September Webinar on the web modeler and I just do not get the same screens. I can log in to my account with no issues but when I click on Buzz. I have no option to create a new app nor can I find avenue to open the sample apps. If I am not able to use the web modeler on my community licence that’s fine If that is the case  
2 answers



If you navigate to https://sprintr.home.mendix.com/index.html you should see the following (see image below)

There should be a button with the text Create App available. This is not linked to any license model AFAIK.

Be sure to be on the genaral buzz of your company and not in a specific buzz for a project. If you still do not see the button to create a new app, please contact mendix support.



Before using Studio Pro you need  to signup with your company email address. 
