How to create order and orderlines

Hi, I have a typical model with one to many orders to orderlines and one to many orderlines to products.  I can seem to see how to display a datagrid that upon creation of a new order I can add products to the orderlines.  I envision one form to enter order level info like delivery date with orderlines. Thoughts?  
3 answers

Hi Tom,


Have you looked at the Mendix introduction course? As assignment, you have to build a app, to register trainees to a ScheduledCourse, using a registration entity. This structure of ScheduledCourse <- Registration -> Trainee and the related schedule page. Is technically 100% equal to the Order <- OrderLine -> Product structure (domain model & pages).

Just different naming.

Take a look at:
Module 4 & 5



Thank you.  This course if very helpful beginner guide.


Tom, the tutorial does give a very well getting-started-guide for any maintenance of two tables having a one-to-many association. But it uses more than one form and not one form as in the vision you described. Have a look at which is sort of finished, but several improvements can still be made. I do think this is more like your vision.  I'dd like to invite you to help out making some improvements to this one page maintenance form for Order/orderlines and get to know Mendix better at the same time. If you like that, please send me your email to so I can invite you to the order106 project. This will also get you aquainted with Mendix's Project-management and it's code-version-management.

