Export Mapping

Hi guys,   I would like to know if theres a way to adjust the amount of objects the export mapping can do. i currently am trying to export over 2000 objects , the message i get is :  "Request state size of 2011 objects exceeds the threshold of 100 objects. Request details: type 'executeaction' in session '0347249c-f1ac-4b51-b3d1-06f617f9845c'. State consists of:"    Regards, Mo
1 answers

Hi Mo, 

This is just a warning that you are exporting more than 100 objects according to: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/transient-objects-garbage-collecting#detecting-requests-with-large-state.

You can set the threshold for this warning in the 



When you are trying to export from a data grid, you can adjust the max number of rows to export in the export button setting.

Is that what you're trying to achieve?
