Is there a shortcut to resetting your screenstack

After you "enter" an APP you create a "stack" of screens going through Overview and New/Edit screens etc. Other then logging out and restarting to your "Homepage" is there a way to make the APP get back to that starting point? ** edit  I am probably unclear in my example....  lets try to elaborate a bit I start from Homepage (which is department driven), and wind my way through several screens finishing my task and switch to a new department, which also (using MF) sends me back to the homepage. [THIS BIT WORKS]  Now I once again start updating for THIS (new) department, but the first screen I open, actually still shows a reference to the previous department... the datasource for it is a MF using the association between the objects, so it should have changed (and it DOES change when I hit Refresh) 
2 answers

Pressing the F5 key?


The user can get back to the homepage by pressing F5. I'm not aware of a way to do this in your model.
