Desktop modeler astronimical slow

Hi there, I am curious about the performance of the desktop modeler. Sometimes I am working in a model everything is lightning fast. So whenever you copy a microflow, add input params, renaming microflows, adding actions. Everything happens in milliseconds. But when you open next day the same model everything reacts extremely slow, instead of milliseconds you can wait for seconds. I tried to disable all kinds of processes of Windows, disabled antivirus, all kinds of tweaks, rebooting.... but somehow nothing really helps. When I check the taskmanager, the CPU is idling around 1-3%, memory is like 30% with mass consumers Mendix and Chrome, no hd activity, no network activity. Anyone thoughts on this?
6 answers

One colleague and I are having similar issues with 7.13.1 while running a model locally. Some findings:

  • The issues sometimes disappear after clicking the red stop button or after restarting the pc.
  • If I copy the entire project folder (using Windows Explorer) and open the project from there, that instance works fine while the original instance remains slow.
  • If I close the modeler and change the name of the project folder, the modeler works fine again.

Maybe the following possibly related posts can help you to solve your problem. If so then please let us know for documentation.

Hope you find a solution! Do you experience the same issue for multiple projects or is it just one of them?


We see the same problem in Mendix Modeler 7.17.2. I just found out that the trouble starts after opening an extremely complex page in the modeler. If you then close the modeler and then rename the project folder, it will be fast again.


Do you have any possibility of checking it on another system? 

I haven't noticed anything of the kind. So it might have something to do with your work station.

Unless more people can verify that they have the same issue 

EDIT: also, check to see if you have it on multiple versions of the Mendix Modeler, or if you have this issue with only one version.


I renamed my project folder, Mendix 7.23 is still very slow, to the point windows says “Not responding”. Just for saving files. It’s a big project, but still unacceptable.


This is still an issue in Studio Pro 9.0.5. Somehow this only occurs on my desktop and not my laptop.
