Losing changes after creating branchline

Hi guys, For fun, I tried upgrading my current Mendix 7.11 project to the new Mendix 7.12 modeler. I noticed I lose some changes after opening a newly created branchline. Some info mainline is fully committed (Trying to commit says: There are no changes to commit) Creating a branchline from the latest mainline revision Opening the branchline   After opening I seem to be missing changes from a specific revision. I thought it might have to do with the upgrading to the new modeler, however, it also happens when I just create a branchline and open it in the same modeler version. See below for an example image. Any thoughts to what I might've missed would be highly appreciated. Thanks!    
2 answers

Is this behaviour predictable? In other words: if you would create another branchline from the same mainline revision, are the same changes missing? Are the missing changes all from the same revision of the mainline or do they come from a merge of another branch?

Hopefully this helps to pinpoint the issue.


I've created 3 branches, from the same (mainline) revision. All have the same behaviour. Seems like it's one specific revision missing each time.

Never used any branches before, so it cannot be from a previous merge.


Its not really an issue for me in this project, but I ran into this by accident, and was wondering if anyone else ever ran into the same issue.
