Prob1 : Inserting the data into two tables from single form. Prob 2: Converting the form elements to dbschema table. Prob 3: create a new table or column in dbschema from form fields 

Prob1 : Inserting the data into two tables.        I have two tables(one to many relationship) Student(StudentName,Address, DOB) and Course(CourseName, Duration, Fees). I want to create a form with fields "StudentName" , "Address", "DOB","CourseName","Duration","Fees". On submitting the form, data needs to be saved in Student and Course tables.  How can I achieve this in Mendix?  Prob 2: Converting the form elements to dbschema table.      I have two tables(no Relation) Employee(EmployeeName, Address, Experience) and Leave(leavetype). I am want to create a form named " EmployeeLeaveBalance" from tables (Employee,Leave) with input fields "EmployeeName" , "leavetype" , " LeaveBalance". After creating the form, in dbschema a new table needs to be created with name "EmployeeLeaveBalance"  with columns EmployeeName, leavetype, LeaveBalance and also with one-many relation ship with Employee table and Leave table. Is this possible to achieve in Mendix? If possible please share me how?  Prob 3: In Mendix web modeler - creating new db tables from form fields  and creating a new column in existing table from form fields   are feasible. How could I achieve this in Desktop modeler?        
2 answers

Hi Preethi,

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