Best way to edit detail when using Master-Detail views

Working on SPA where I have the need to display details of an entry (from a list view) in a dataview on the same page. I'm using the "Listen to widget" mechanism on the dataview to achieve this -- works great so far. The challenge I'm faced with is that I'd like to edit the data in the dataview, but can't seem to figure how.  EDIT: the master view is a listview and the detail view is a data view control. The "editable" option is disabled on the data view Here's something I've tried: Add a button in the detail view that navigates to an "edit" page. Works fine but defeats the purpose of having a SPA.   I'd appreciate ideas/suggestions on approaches that allow editing details in a details view (or any info I'm obviously missing that prevents me from doing so)  
1 answers


Have you checked the dataview is editable.  Look in the Properties window, screenshot below:

