Hi Mayhan,
Are you using the Mendix 'Charts' widget collection? https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/105695/
If so, there is an 'Advanced' tab where you can set layout and data options. You will need to use JSON to pass the parameters along. I believe the option you want is 'hoverformat' so your layout JSON might look like:
"yaxis":{"hoverformat": ".2f"}
*EDIT - added quotation marks to JSON
Here is a link to more information on hover configuration of the the plotly.js library. Plotly is what the Mendix Charts widget package uses.
Worst case, you could create a display value attribute in your entities and round everything to 2 places in an on-commit microflow. I think you should be able to accomplish this without changing your data, however, so try the Charts widget package
Hi Mayhan,
It is still JSON, so you will need to include quotation marks. It looks like you already are using valid JSON to do some formatting in your layout options. The property I mentioned is no different from zerolinewidth. Try adding the hoverformat option to your existing yaxis layout string instead of adding it to the Configuration Options box. So something like:
{ "font": { ……} "yaxis" : { "zerolinewidth": 1, "zerolinecolor": "black", "hoverformat": ".2f"}….
Hi Rob,
It looks like this now, but still dont work, do you have any idea why?
Also is it possible to group digit the numbers and round to 0 decimal so 165658,06465 be 165.658
I’ve been having this issue for years with still no solution. Has anyone solved this problem?