Change the page to the variable that i just created

Hi, I have a situation where I can compare a scenario with each other. By making a copy of the 'reality' and then making adjustments. It is  that I have a button where I can create a new 'scenario'. Only if it is created once it does not immediately refresh to the created scenario. You have to click on the created scenario on the page again and then you are in the 'variable scenario that is created'. What I want is when I have made a scenario, that I am immediately on the page in the scenario.   - I create a new scenario by qlick on the 'Nieuw Scenario' option - What i want is that after i save it, the page that i show is the created scenario 'Test 4' - What i now get after the save button is the same page with scenario 'Test'      
2 answers

What you are missing is that at the end of the microflow you show the page with the new scenarion. You can pass to this page the newScenario you just created.




