Using reference selectors with ENUMs

Hi, I have created a few Enumerations that I want to use with Reference Selectors with a specifc value as default but which lets a user select another option from the drop down list.  When I run the app, I can't see any data at all in the Reference Selector. Am I trying to do something that isn't possible?
3 answers

Hi Ben,

You should use the dropdown widget for enumerations. Reference selectors are for selecting objects.


Ah yes, thank you both.  I have it working now.


Hello Ben,

Reference selectors and Enumeration dropdowns are interchangeable for most functionality but you shouldn't use them together, if you want to give users a preset choice you should use a dropdown widget - as Paul mentioned. 

You can use reference selectors to create a user made selection for a drop-down, but you should use a string attribute instead of an enumeration so users can add more options, and you have to create the objects before they become available.

Hope this helps
