You can download the navigation lay out module from the appstore:
or the Atlas UI recoures:
Once downloaded, how do I import them into the Project? Is there a root folder where the download should be placed so each project can access them?
You download them into each project. The appstore modules are visibile under the domain 'appstore modules'
Not sure if this is correct, but I uploaded the navigation module into the project. However, I got 6 errors as a result such as listed below. Do you have suggestions on how to resolve these errors? I did not delete anything, so I don't underwhy the error indicate they no longer exist. Thanks!
Message: The selected navigation profile 'Phone_browser' no longer exists.
Element: Property 'Navigation Profile' of simplemenubar 'SimpleMenubar1'
Document: Layout 'Phone_TopBottom'
Module: NavigationLayouts
Message: The selected navigation profile 'Phone_browser' no longer exists.
Element: Property 'Navigation Profile' of navigation tree 'navigationtree1'
Document: Layout 'Phone_TopSidebar'
Module: NavigationLayouts
Error3: The selected navigation profile 'Tablet_browser' no longer exists.
Element: Property 'Navigation Profile' of navigation tree 'navigationtree1'
Document: Layout 'Tablet_SidebarLeft'
Module: NavigationLayouts
Error4: The selected navigation profile 'Tablet_browser' no longer exists.
Element: Property 'Navigation Profile' of navigation tree 'navigationtree1'
Document: Layout 'Tablet_TopSidebar'
Module: NavigationLayouts
Error5: The selected navigation profile 'Tablet_browser' no longer exists.
Element: Property 'Navigation Profile' of navigation tree 'navigationtree1'
Document: Layout 'Tablet_TopSidebar_IconsText'
Module: NavigationLayouts
Error6: The selected navigation profile 'Tablet_browser' no longer exists.
Element: Property 'Navigation Profile' of navigation tree 'navigationtree1'
Document: Layout 'Tablet_SidebarRight'
Module: NavigationLayouts
The Navigation layouts module expects some nagivation profiles that are not in your current project. Therefore it states that the profiles don't exist.
You can add the navigation profiles in the navigation section in your modeler, or select a different navigation profile from the layoutgrid in the 'properties' section.