With in a layout grid the total size of the layout grid let it be fixed with then add 4 column to left the toatally there will be 4 columns the total width of the all columns will be 12 so you need to set the size of indiviual columns to 3 since 12/4 =3 as there are 4 columns in total. then columns width will be automatically adjusted.With in a layout grid the total size of the layout grid let it be fixed with then add 4 column to left the toatally there will be 4 columns the total width of the all columns will be 12 so you need to set the size of indiviual columns to 3 since 12/4 =3 as there are 4 columns in total. then columns width will be automatically adjusted.
Hi Uwezo,
You are viewing the desktop mode, which shows 4 columns. When you switch to mobile view, then the layout grid will scale to 2x2 collumns
The fifth column you have to add is actually the first of a new row. When a column doesn't have content it will not appear. which causes your confusion of adding a new fifth column.
More info can be found here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/layout-grid
I am still wondering on how to produce a fifth column as requested in the lesson w/o a size difference.