Problem creating Team Server app

Good Morning, I am about to create a new app using the desktop modeler. It should use the team server. Unfortunately, I get the following error: Unable to create a Team Server project. System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.    bei Mendix.Modeler.Sprintr.SprintrConnectorImpl.CreateProject(String projectName, String projectSummary) in C:\jenkins\workspace\Modeler-Build\Mendix.Modeler.Core\Sprintr\SprintrConnectorImpl.cs:Zeile 386.    bei Mendix.Modeler.Sprintr.SprintrProjectCreator.CreateSprintrProject(String projectName) in C:\jenkins\workspace\Modeler-Build\Mendix.Modeler.Core\Sprintr\SprintrProjectCreator.cs:Zeile 26.   Does anyone know more about this? Thanks Edit: It’s also not working on a collegues machine. I created a support ticket.
2 answers

You could try creating an app from SprintR


Can you create it with team server disabled? Then upload it to the team server later.

When you create it set the enable online services to no.


and then to upload it to the team server you can use “upload to version control server”
