View of label-selector widget

Hi All,        I have used label-selector for adding tags to the events. But during Event Overview page I want to display the tags associated with a event in a form like this (tags listed horizontally and how to make them clickable..?) Which Widget should be used in overview page for displaying. Domain Model –     My page views like this. So in this image it shows Tag docker, Tag aws on a new line ...I want to show like  on a single line  Tag docker , aws etc. As in below image it tags are shown side by side .I want to make the same functionality. I am not getting how to apply custom css.
1 answers

If I understood your question correctly, in your Event overview page you want to show the associated Tags as well.

If so I suggest that you use:

- A Datagrid to display the Events

- A Dataview, with datasource “Listen to widget”, and select the datagrid of Events

- A 2nd Datagrid inside the Dataview, with datasource “Association” to display the Tags associated to the Events.


Here a screenshot on how to do it:

