Changing Tracker Template Home Page Background

Hello, I’ve been checking Mendix out in preparation for an upcoming job along with two coworkers. We was hoping to set up a demo e-commerce site to practice with and created an app using the Tracker Template App. It has a site background in place and with all of us being new to Mendix, we can’t locate where to edit or change it. I was able to locate the file itself in the <branch>\theme\resources directory but replacing it didn’t do anything. We checked the settings for every widget in both the Atlas_Default layout and the Home page and haven’t been able to find where to change it. Can anyone point us in the right direction of where to look or how to change this? This is on version Studio Pro v8.4.2   Thanks in advance.
2 answers

The background image is implemented in the styling of the template. There is a class, page-background, that sets the background. If you want to remove the styling for the background, you can simply remove the class from the container on the Home page in the Studio Pro, or you can edit the .scss file that contains the class, found at <branch>/theme/styles/web/sass/app/_card.scss; just update the styling of the .page-background definition to suit your needs. You can also specify a different image by changing the value of the path for $bg-image variable in the _custom-variables.scss file (same folder as _card.scss)

Hope this helps.


So I’ve taken a look at the scss files. The particular classes that the Home page has are page-dashboard and page-dashboard-actions, neither of which I can find in any of the .scss files. I’ve tried removing them, manually entering a background-image input in the “Style” box in Properties for that page (also testing with other background css options like gradients or single colors), and tried changing the $bg-image filepath. None of which change the background image. Is there something else I’m missing?

