Is there a Mendix Studio App for Mac OSx or Linux?

I am admittedly a reluctant Windows developer, and would prefer to develop in all 3 environments, but it seems as though there is only the studio developer app for Windows.  Would that be a correct assumption?    Do most non-windows users operate the Studio App in a virtual machine?
5 answers

Mendix Studio Pro is currently only available on Windows.  I run Parallels and it operates just fine for me. 

Maybe one for the ideas forum (


I was really interested in Mendix, until I realized that there was no Modeler for macOS (and of course, not for GNU/Linux).

I tried using it on VirtualBox, but the OS alone eats lots of resources from my computer.

Then I decided to give up on Mendix.

It’s a pity, since the product looks promising. But we are in the third decade of the 21st century and the “Best viewed with Internet Explorer” has been gone for a while...


I personally use (and would recommend using) BootCamp for MacOs. You can download the windows ISO file from the Microsoft website and can use it without a product key (but you will have the activate windows mark on the bottom right of the screen). 


Using Parallels requires you to purchase a ~$70 software and demands more processing from your computer as you will basically be basically running  Mendix on Windows on MacOs. The caveat for bootcamp however is the inflexibility of changing allocated space for windows and having to reboot everytime you want to switch between MacOs and Windows.


I'm running Bootcamp currently as well. After, Virtual Box froze multiple times, I got a copy of VM Ware. Great program which allows for integration of files between Mac and virtual machine. However, it ran my fans too hot. Currently I'm having issues with Windows not updating and my trackpad not being recognized. Two full days into the process, I remember the 
great 12 years of my life when Windows wasn't in it . 


Hi David,
I am just starting to use Mendix. I'm in the same position as you. Let's say I prefer Linux. After a year of asking your question, what did you do? are you still using mendix? are you using it with a virtual machine?
