Close tab in modeler behaviour changed

Anyone noticed a change in behaviour when closing a tab in the mendix studio pro using the old style project explorer? When working in a microflow, opening a sub flow and closing the tab again studio pro used to take me back to the last used tab, in this case the original microflow i was working on. In 8.7.0 i noticed a different behaviour, where a random tab becomes active instead of the last used one. Has anyone else experienced the same issue? Note: It doesn't matter if i have the ‘Keep active document selected in project exporer’ turned on or not.   When using the new style explorer, there is a bit more logic, as it reverts back to the selected page(with the above option turned off). With the above option of keeping active document selected on i get the same behaviour..
2 answers

Yes! I noticed this yesterday when I was closing a bunch of tabs and it took me to the first tab that was open in my modeler, and I was wondering if it had always been like that or not, as I remembered it the way you described above. If there is a solution to this I would be happy to hear, because it's pretty annoying. Especially since it also happens when you use the scroll wheel of your mouse to close a different tab than the one you are working in, and it jumps to another tab..


I also encouneter this issue, any workaround provided by mendix?
