Invalid API Token for AppCenter
I am trying to build an apk for my Native app. Though I am entering the correct Api token for App center the build is failing saying its invalid. _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ | \ | | __ _| |_(_)_ _____ | __ ) _ _(_) | __| | ___ _ __ | \| |/ _` | __| \ \ / / _ \ | _ \| | | | | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__| | |\ | (_| | |_| |\ V / __/ | |_) | |_| | | | (_| | __/ | |_| \_|\__,_|\__|_| \_/ \___| |____/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|\___|_| [github] Verifying access token... [github] Access token valid for ATIKNA [github] Retrieving repository ATIKNA/app_dmnative... [github] Skipped creation of repository app_dmnative as it already exists [github] Retrieving Native Template version for latest [github] Retrieving build configuration from mendix/native-template for ref tags/v3.1.3... [github] Retrieving contents of file appcenter-build-config.json... [appcenter] Verifying API token... [appcenter] Invalid API token [github] Retrieving Native Template version for latest [github] Retrieving contents of file android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml... [github] Committing updated android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml... [github] Retrieving contents of file ios/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Committing updated ios/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Retrieving contents of file ios/Dev/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Committing updated ios/Dev/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Retrieving contents of file android/app/src/dev/res/values/strings.xml... [github] Committing updated android/app/src/dev/res/values/strings.xml... [github] Retrieving contents of file ios/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Committing updated ios/Config/config.xcconfig... [github] Retrieving contents of file android/app/build.gradle... [github] Committing updated android/app/build.gradle... [prepare] Done. [prepare] Prepare finished, summary: [prepare] ✗ App Center configuration failed, read the logs for more information [prepare] ✓ App name updated [prepare] ✓ App identifier updated [prepare] ✓ JDK found [prepare] ✓ Mendix Project path found [prepare] ✓ MxBuild path found [prepare] ✓ Runtime url is valid
1 answers
Did you check native-builder parameters? Try with latest version Native Builder. It’s working for me.
Viswanadha Gurijala