Login form

Hi, i’m new to Mendix so sorry in advance for a probably too easy question :) I would like to do a simple login-form where i sent a post-request to fetch an oauth token and save it in an entity. I created a page and used the appropriate login widgets (username, password, signin-button, val-message). I also prepared an entity for the token in the domain model. The question i have now is, how do it proceed. Where do i configure which url to send the request to, and how to take the token from the request and save it in an entity. Is this done via a microflow or can i configure that somehow else? Can somebody hint me in the right way? I find it also hard to find good tutorials for Mendix, also for this problem? Do you have any good sources for this? Thanks a lot!
2 answers

You might want to check out this demo module: https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/110989/WebFlight/OAuth-2.0-SSO-Demo 





I suggest that you’ll first take a look at the Rapid developer learning path, to understand how Mx works and the authentication/user management in general.: https://learn.mendix.com/link/path/38

Thereafter all answers and examples will me a lot more sense
