No read access to attribute ModelGUID in entity System.UserRole for user role Administrator (with role Administrator in module System)
Hi, While creating the app as per the Crash Course on Mendix Learning Path getting the following error messages in Mendix Studio Pro 8.8.0 after lesson ‘Reporting Data’: No read access to attribute 'ModelGUID' in entity 'System.UserRole' for user role 'Administrator' (with role 'Administrator' in module 'System') No read access to attribute 'ModelGUID' in entity 'System.UserRole' for user role 'Administrator' (with role 'KeyUser' in module 'System') No read access to attribute 'ModelGUID' in entity 'System.UserRole' for user role 'Administrator' (with role 'Employee' in module 'System') How can I resolve this since ‘System’ module is read-only and thus can’t seem to edit the ‘System.UserRole’ object? Thanks in advance.
Sabuj Haque
1 answers
Not sure how this would relate to the action in lesson 10 of the crash course, but you probably have selected the ModelGUID attribute from the Roles entity somewhere in a reference selector. This is not allowed due to security constraints. Just double click on the error to get to the point where this error is originating from and fix the error there.