Two questions

Hi: I am new to mendix. I have two questions. How to integrate google map with my own app and make it function according to my application design. For example, if in my application i am asking the user to enter zip code and search for nearest hospitals and show those locations in google map, how to do it? I have an application developed in Studio pro.  My application in Studio and Studio Pro are exactly the same, except that I added some additional features in Studio Pro using App Store modules.  Those additional features are not getting displayed when i run my studio pro application in laptop. Can anyone help me with this. Thank you.
1 answers

For your first question you’ll need to integrate to the google places API. See for example:

From there you can find the coordinates (lat/long) and display these on a (google) maps widget.

For question 2 I suggest creating a different post with more details on what you added and what you expect to happen. If the case is that the app store modules are not being displayed in Mendix Studio, then this is currently working as designed. 
