Excel exporter downloads excel with no rows

Have imported MxModel reflection and Excel exporter App store modules and everything has been configured. Excel is getting generated but with no rows.   Where might be the issue ? 
3 answers


Any progress on this??   I am having a problem with the Excel Exporter exporting no data to my Excel file in 8.7.0 also.   Furthermore, I uploaded a .xlsm file that I would like to export to, and the widget is undesirably appending a .xlsx to the file name.  I have tried using the tab name and Sheet1 as the work sheet that I would like to export to.


Could you provide some more information how you’Ve set up everything? How do you trigger the export? etc.


Hi Gerrit, I am not able to see the image which i pasted in this post, might be some intermittent issue with the forum..

Let me explain, I have created the Template, Work Sheet and Columns config in Excel exporter page from Excel Exporter App module.

Below is the microflow that gets triggered for exporting the movies details.
