[SOLVED] Rapid Developer (Developer), Modules 4.3.1 Through 4.4.2

Hello, I’m having trouble getting through these steps. In module 4.3.1 we publish our app for the first time. According to the steps, we’re supposed to get errors, but I didn’t get any errors, just eight warnings as shown in the picture below. The next two steps consist of fixing those “errors,” but I’m not sure what to do next since those errors are there for me to fix. In the next module, 4.4.1, we’re supposed to fix error 1. It says to click on the green “Add” button and click “Select entity” (as show in the below image), but it doesn’t give me that option. I looked it up in the questions, and someone suggest the problem is “already fixed” and to just move on to the next step, but a similar problem occurs in the next step.  So I skipped to the following step, 4.4.2, which is show below. This time it tells me to to click on the green “Add” button again, then click “Generate on click page,” but that option doesn’t appear either. I’m not sure how to move on from here. Can somebody please help? I have the latest version of Mendix Studio Pro (8.8.0). The options that I am given when I right click on the green “Add” button are listed below: Edit on click action… Select icon… Edit condition for visible… Edit Caption (F12) Extract snippet… Wrap in container Create building block… Cut (Ctrl + X) Copy (Ctrl + C) Paste (Ctrl +V) Delete (Del) Properties That’s it. No “Select entity” or “Generate on click page.” Any help is appreciated!
2 answers

Try the edit on click action and set this to the create object option.

Then the warning will be turn into an error and you see the options mentioned in the steps description.


Not sure if you already solved it; I had the same problem, in order to solve the first problem (and create the second problem) you have to click on the add button and set the ‘on click action’ to ‘page’, furthermore you should select the ‘entity’ and by doing so you have created and solved the first problem. After this you can follow the tutorial…
