Unable to run locally either in browser or mobile

Hi, I am trying to view my app by running it locally in Mendix Studio Pro. When I try and run it in the browser i get the following error:   Hence I have also tried viewing the app in the Mendix mobile app which results a white screen once it has read the QR code:     Please can you advise on how I can fix this. Regards, Justin
6 answers

You are being redirected to the Mendix SSO login page that is not available.

Open the index.html page in the theme folder of your project and where it reads something like /sso/login change this to /login.html in the script section



I think that i have found the correct file that you have mentioned above, please see screen shot below:














However, when I open the file I am presented with the following and am unable to amend the script….



any advise on how to resolve this?

Thanks for your help in advance!




I can’t see the images you linked in the response for some reason, but it could also be that you changed the port of your local app? It is looking for 8080 which is the default, but if you changed the port settings in your Project DB settings, you might need to direct accordingly. 

Edit: Only your first image loaded when I refreshed the page and I see you are pointing to OpenID so you need to look at your SSO config. Looks like Erwin is pointing you correctly.


Hi Nolan,

Under project settings its showing the application root URL as localhost:8080/; please see screen shot below:

When I click on the Themes tab, as per Erwin’s suggestion there is no mention of /sso/login. I’m assuming that I have misunderstood his suggestion.








Also, when I look at the Runtime tab under project settings it references MendixSSO_Afterstartup. I’ve viewed the microflow that it references but am unable to determine if this is the root cause of said issue.



Thanks for your help in advance.



The only other thing to add, is that when I run the app locally and then try and preview in my browser, under the Console log it shows a red message with the following messages for ‘Log node: Connector’ and ‘Message: 404 – file not found for file – openid/login


I currently have the exact same issue...
