Facing issue in Viewing App from Mendix Studio Pro

Hi All, I’m not able to run my app on Mendix studio pro, it runs perfectly in Mendix studio but when I try to open it Studio pro the pages are not getting imported and I could see a blank project along with my user stories. Sometimes it is not getting opened at all and generating the below error.               Also from the Rapid Developer Analyst course, when I have imported package from the module 6, Mendix studio pro is generating 38 errors.I cannot understand where is it going wrong. Kindly help.  
3 answers

Probably you have a different branch opened up in Studio Pro than in Studio. In Pro click on Version Control → Manage branch lines to check which branch you have made available for Mendix Studio and compare that with the breanch you have open in Pro. 


You ‘d better use Studio Pro 8.5 for demo project form  Rapid Developer Analyst course.


You can open the latest project from Version Control.

Open Mendinx Studio Pro ->Version Control Menu -->Download from Version control server
