Looking at the documentation of the MendixSDKClient here, it seems it is not possible to specify your own team server. Therefore, if you want to use the SDK, you are required to use the Mendix Team Server. Any commits you do done to the Mendix Team Server as well.
Why do you want to save your projects ‘into local’ (does that mean on-premise team server, or your local machine)?
because security,project is saved in local machine。
if MendixSDKClient can't do it,Has other tool like MendixSDKClient to do it?
If you want to use the Model SDK the model needs to be loaded into the model server. To do this you can either open a version hosted in teamserver or use a local MPK. When you create a working copy you can provide it with the name of the template mpk you want to use:
name: template,
template: template
I haven’t used the commit functionality using a local copy, but once loaded into the model server and the changes are performed there maybe a way to export an MPK from the model server.
So i know you can load a local file to be used by the Model SDK, we just need to figure out how to get the MPK file once the changes have been made on the Model server.