BOM compare

Need to compare BOM from two different source and highlight the difference in that.   Could you please share the BOM comparison method any existing SOA call / any widget available.   Thanks in advance.
2 answers

While you can create the comparison logic in Mendix, you can also call the "accountability check" capabilities of Teamcenter. I see in the documentation many API like this one



I have no example of these features implemented in Mendix, but it's doable.


If you decide to implement such an API,  here are a few advises

  1. reverse engineer the OOTB clients, it will give you example of real values for expected parameters. For AWC watch F12 network calls, for RAC enable "Communication monitor" view
  2. If the "Operation Mapping" of the TcConnector is too complex (no doubt that accountabilityCheck2 is) , use from the Toolbox sample module Mendix Marketplace - Teamcenter Connector Toolbox Samples the CallTeamcenterService_JSON_input_output , it allows you to manage JSON's with basic string handling or standard JSON mapping, it's a lot more easier than the "Operation Mapping".



I wrote this article a few years ago explaining how to show differences between two different pieces of text. It may be what you need here.


I hope it helps. Good luck!
