Have a copy function at the debugging credentials in the Environment details. - Mendix Forum

Have a copy function at the debugging credentials in the Environment details.


When deploying to environments, sometimes it is necessary to debug. It is quite a hassle to extract the URL and password for the debugger. Copying often doesn't work – strangely. The only way to fix it, is to inpsect the page and hard-copy the password out of the html.

Please add a button that copies the URL, and a button that copies the debugging password to the clipboard.


3 answers

The copy buttons have been put where they should! Yay! 

I am missing the environment selection with auto-filled options in Studio pro – if one has environment rights – one is already logged in, right? Should be fairly simple to realise?



I have no issues with copying the info.

However, it would be nice to do just 1 copy action. Both url and password copied in one click, and Studio Pro splits it nicely in the 2 fields.

Or, like Wouter mentioned, directly from the Connect Debugger window.


Better yet → once logged into the modeler, have an option to select the environment to connect to and populate the URL and password automatically… ;-)
