Requesting a fix for Reference Selector action mapping using ATS Recorder - Mendix Forum

Requesting a fix for Reference Selector action mapping using ATS Recorder


I believe I found a situation where an action mapping from the Recorder needs a fix.

  1. I have a reference selector that has a select page (rather than a dropdown)
  2. When I click the button to bring up the select page, the recorder detects the following:
    1. Action: Click Widget Button
    2. Widget Name: referenceSelector2 (expected widget name)
    3. Button: select-button
  3. When I save the recording, the Button parameter maps as empty
  4. Trying to run back the recording breaks at this step
  5. When I manually update the Button parameter to [Select], the test case runs as expected

Conclusion: select-button is not mapping properly to the [Select]  dropdown option

Let me know if this needs any clarification!

1 answers

Hi Matt,


we will discuss your feedback within the team.


Best regards,

