Cant connect opc-ua client example module with the ProSys opc-ua server

Hi everyone, I downloaded the Opc-ua client and the example module in order to test it as a client to receive the information from the Prosys opc-ua simulation server. I start the appication, I can add a new server but when I try to test it it shows error. It throws an error: Unable to connect because of error: Connection refused: no further information com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Unable to setup endpoints for Server: 1. Exception: UaException: status=Bad_ConnectionRejected,$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information: B1HH-N114.beone-hamburg.portal/ at com.mendix.basis.actionmanagement.ActionManagerBase.executeSync( Caused by: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Unable to setup endpoints for Server: 1. Exception: UaException: status=Bad_ConnectionRejected,$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information: B1HH-N114.beone-hamburg.portal/ at com.mendix.util.classloading.Runner.doRunUsingClassLoaderOf(   Could anyone help me out here? Thanks Manish    
1 answers

This means that you can’t setup your TCP connection with your server, something is blocking your Mendix app from successfully connecting with your OPC UA server. Most likely this issue is in your OPC UA Server or in your firewall blocking the connection between the two systems. 


First validate that the url is correct with correct url, protocol & port, confirm your pc is allowed to access it and that there is no firewall on your machine.

If that’s all good the issue is most likely with your Prosys server, are you able to connect with an actual OPC UA client to the OPC UA server? If so, do you really have the identical info in Mx as you have in your client. In all my cases it was as easy as copying the OPC UA Client connection info into Mendix. 
