Based on my humble Rapid experience they are similar and if you’re good with knowledge questions you’ll be fine with exam as well, there is no time limit, so just take your time and read it carefully.
Somewhat unexpected for me was handsome amount of platform related questions - Mx site structure, Mx blog, community etc. so you may want to familiarize yourself little bit better with it.
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I totally understand the nerves before tackling the certification exam! I recently used P2PExams to prep for mine, and it made a huge difference. The practice tests there are really close to the actual exam format and cover the key topics thoroughly. I found that consistently doing well on the knowledge checks was a good sign, but going through the practice tests on P2PExams helped me feel even more confident since they were really accurate and up-to-date with the latest exam trends. Highly recommend checking them out if you want to make sure you’re covering everything! Good luck!