Testing Javascript actions that use react native dependencies in the Make it Native app

I am trying to get a react native package working in my native app, since a module/widget for Bluetooth doesn't exist yet for native apps in Mendix. I am trying to build this in Javascript actions, and I am using the following documentation to do so: https://docs.mendix.com/howto/extensibility/create-native-javascript-action#installing-dependency-app In order to iterate and quickly test my new build I would really want to use the Make It Native app. In the documentation however, they use the native app builder to build the complete app as a package (apk/ipa). This takes a really long time to build and install on the phone, way too long to test small fixes. My Javascript Actions in the Make It Native app doesn't work mostly because the dependencies aren't installed in the dependencies of react native, and the android/ios code of the react native package is never build in the package that is loaded from Make It Native.  The ideal solution would be a possibility to edit the package that is sent to the Make It Native app, so that I can add my dependency to that package. Is it possible to change these files somehow in my project?  Otherwise, is there an alternative to the make it native app to compile everything quickly and load onto my phone, or is there another smart way to test my logic without completely building a native app package? It would also help in making sure that it can be shared with other developers who also need to test these functionalities. Running the app in something like Android Studio would be enough for some react native dependencies, but not for the bluetooth react native dependency that I am trying to use and build around, simply because the Android Emulator is not able to use Bluetooth functionality.  I would love to hear your suggestions! Thank you very much for your input. 
1 answers

Somewhat similar to your issue, please see my post at link below. Maybe you can get some clue from it. 
