Testing of Mendix

Hi, Need to know that which application is better for the testing of the Mendix applications. Either I go for Selenium or SoupUI Or TestNG Or Unit Testing Module . Please reply asap. Regards, Harshraj Singh
7 answers

I would say you need a mix as they test different aspects of your application. 

The Unit Testing module is great for testing the output of a microflow is correct. I use this mainly for utility sub microflows that don’t have any user interaction.

Selenium based tests are great for testing the front end of your application runs correctly. ATS is Selenium based, and is designed to work with Mendix. You can use other Selenium based testing tools such as Katalon Studio. This is cheaper, but does need more effort to get it work correctly with the Mendix app. This is usually around adding delays to give the page time to render before trying to interact with it.

SOAPUI and PostMan are great for testing services.

With these tools you will probably want utility microflows that can put the database into a known state before testing, and clear it down on completion. The Unit Testing module has some of this as it’s part of the platform, but other tools won’t have this ability and you’ll need to add it yourself.

Hope this helps.


What are your requirements? Selenium is a front-end test tool, but unit tests are more back-end related.

There is a very good Mendix add-on, named Mendix Application Test Suite (https://docs.mendix.com/addons/ats-addon/).

In my opinion it’s most practical to use Selenium to test your front-end flows and front-end logic. If you want to test your microflows too, you can use the Unit Testing module of Mendix.


I think you should add Cypress and Fitnesse to your short-list (asap).




you may want to check out Valori’s / Omnext’s JOSF (www.josf.nl). They have built a test automation platform that allows users to ‘model’ their testcases instead of programming them. They also offer a ‘acceleration pack’ for testing Mendix apps specifically. 


Hope this helps!


Hi Henri,

Thanks for your Answer.

But ATS works on licensed version and I am more into the oss.

My purpose is to test a simple Mendix Application.

I focusing on that tool which integrate well with the mendix application testing purpose.

Please help me in selection of the tool  from the option Selenium, Selenium IDE, SoupUI , TestNG and Unit Testing Module of Mendix.


Harshraj Singh


Hi Sjors,

Thanks for your interest

But currently I am comparing tools which are mentioned above only.

If you have any information about testing of Mendix that which tool will be better in the above tools then it will be very helpful for me.

Thanks and Regards,

Harshraj Singh



So, in conclusion

SoupUI is not the best tool for Testing Mendix. It is for testing web services.

I can go with Selenium (for front-end (Web pages, and fields)) + Unit Module Testing (For backend (Microflows)).

If I concluded incorrectly please correct me.
