Is it possible to do Drag & drop automation using Mendix ATS

hi Mendix ATS Support & Mendix ATS Users, I am having a scenario to drag and drop an element from one place to another place in my client application. So is it possible to do 'Drag & drop' automation using Mendix ATS. Because I did some ‘R&D’ work to achieve this flow. But atlast I didn’t get any solution. The ‘R&D’ work are Seached for ATS action  Used ‘Execute Javascript String’, ‘Execute Javascript Integer’ and ‘Execute Javascript Webelement’ actions and wrote some javascript code.   But finally I didn’t get any solution. So is it possible to do ‘Drag & drop’ functionality or not??   Thank you
2 answers

It is possible to add drag and drop support if you use javascript. You would need to find the target elements (the element to be dragged and the element being dragged to) by means of classes or ids using javascript queryselector and then bind the respective events to these elements. However, I have no clue how you could then pass the data from javacript back to mendi.

Follow the link below to see how to listen to drag & drop events.

This is not a complete solution but i hope this can help lead you to a better solution.



Hi Indium,

Please find below link which contains the module. In this project you can find Drag & Drop implementation examples. 



