Changes in Mendix project are not shown in the app

Hello everyone, I am currently working within my Team on an existing Mendix database. I created a new feature and there are no errors left, but neither running it locally, nor commiting my changes and looking at the app directly are my changes reflected (it both shows the version without the new feature). Does anyone have an idea what the reason for this might be? Thank you very much already in advance for your feedback and tipps.
3 answers

HI Niklas Kaup,

Can you please check whether you are getting any runtime error in console?



Perhaps you haven’t set appropriate permissions for your user to see whatever you added?


Hey Eric,
thank you very much for your quick response.
The thing is: There is one function of the app that is quite similar to the new one, so most of the new functunality is just copied from this older function including the permissions. Also I am an administrator for the app so at least after committing I think normally I should be able to see the changes, right?
Thanks again and best regards
