Intermediate Event Management App

I am doing learning path Building an Event App Using Microflows (Intermediate level). I’ve finished all modules and wanted to test out the functions. After entering data, especially the days, my app always crashes when pushing the SignUp button. So far I haven’t found the bug myself yet, even after using the debugger. The point is, after downloading the package of the solution I tried to do the same with that app and the results were equal, even that app crashed at the same point because of the same reason, the validation microflow that checks availability of tickets. Has somebody already faced the same problem? I’m grateful for any help. Thanks.
2 answers

Hi Max,


Its working fine for me , 

You can use debugger to get the root cause, however in your case if you perform this activity . You need to log as Event manager and configure Festival days . Then create an Event and it will work, as per the debugger screen shot it says that Visitor list is empty and thus giving you the error.

[EventManagement.Visitor_Ticket/EventManagement.Ticket/EventManagement.Ticket_Day = $IteratorDay] 


Hi Max

Thank you for your screenshots, they were really helpful.

The error states that your $Count variable is empty. So I suggest to put the debugger on your variable and see what happens with it.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

