Company Expenses - App > Usage for UI automation for screens developed in Mendix

Hi All, Referring the below link from Mendix documentation: Test Mendix Apps Using Selenium IDE | Mendix Documentation  and we are not able to find the Company Expenses app in market place as suggested in the above documentation.   Please suggest / help for any further assistance.   Using Mendix- studio pro   Thanks, Sudhir
1 answers

Hello Sudhir,

unfortunately the company expenses app isnt there anymore as a step by step template. It is only used as a reference to explain on an example.


"This how-to uses the Company Expenses app template for an example scenario. However, this app template is no longer platform-supported by Mendix. Therefore, sections using this app template can only be used as reference and not as sections that can be completed step-by-step."


The Company Expenses app is part of one of the Learning Paths in the academy. Maybe you can try to download the app package there and import it to your Project.


If this helped pls mark this answer as accepted.


thank you!
