Current state of Unit Testing in Mendix

Hi all,   I come from a ‘high’ code environment where unit testing is an absolute requirement and we typically aim for a unit test coverage of 80% or higher.   I’ve talked to several Mendix users (most of whom do not use unit testing at all) and I checked this forum which has several entries on the topic but most seem to be rather old. Some of the entries suggest that creating and maintaining automated tests for microflows can be very time consuming which is also my first impression when I look at the Mendix unit test module as a novice Mendix user. I’m interested to understand what the current views of this community are on the topic of unit testing in Mendix and what kind of unit test coverage people are typically trying to achieve. It could also be that my mental model of unit testing does not match with low coding approaches, but something tells me that it still makes a lot of sense to unit test the logic of microflows. Looking forward to your reactions    
2 answers



In fact, to test applications in Mendix we have to have a different view from the way we do it in traditional coding. For example, we can do unit testing with the UnitTest module, but only with Microflows (Nanoflows are not supported).


Take a look at  the MTA tool. See the link below:


For E2E testing, I was able to use Cypress in Mendix applications:




I'm new to mendix, but this sounds to me like quite a strange answer. Can you elaborate on why you don't need unit test for all your "code" that you create? (Microflows, Nanoflows, DB-Migrations... and whatever you can create in Mendix) 


How do you test the Mendix-Framework yourself? Only with micorflows? 


Cheers Flavio
